As relações entre o executivo e o legislativo e a elaboração da politica economica na primeira experiencia de democracia presidencialista pluripartidaria brasileira (1946-1964) / The executive-legislative relations and the economic policy making in the first experience of brazlian multipartidary presidential democracy (1946-1964)




The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative during 1946-1964 period, focusing on the role of the parliament in the deliberative process on economic policy. For that, we make a systematic study of three dimensions of decision making process and the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative during the period: 1) a case study of the elaboration of the title ?The economic and social order? of the Brazilian Constitution of 1946; 2) the aggregate analysis of the legal production during 1946-1964, where the universe of bills submitted was analyzed, as well as laws approved during this democratic age; trying to characterize the standard of suggestions and approval of the laws by relevant political actor over successive governments. From the evidences gathered through this aggregate analysis of this legal production, we seek to examine critically some dominant theories on the role of political parties and the parliament in the development of economic policy during the first experience of multi-party presidential system democracy in Brazil to demonstrate the hypothesis that the development of party system at this time changed significantly the pattern of legal production and relationship between the powers in the period studied; 3) Finally, we analyze critically the classical theories of Celso Furtado about the relationship between the Legislative and the process of economic development during this time of Brazilian democracy


democracy poder legislativo legislative power economic policy executive power poder executivo democracia - brasil politica economica - brasil

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