Quem ve cara não ve coração : leitura e surdez : um estudo com adultos não oralizados




The main concern of this task was verifying, pointing out and discussing situations which show the interpretative organization of texts by non-verbalized deaf adults. As there are few studies involving non-verbalized adult individuals in our society, we intend to add some elements for a better knowledge of this problematic subject, considering both the semiotic point of view, and the educational aspects implied. In order to achieve that, this study focuses on reading-writing, comprehensive retelling, spontaneous conversation and on the testimony of two deaf adults, João and José, about sign language. These two adults have been involved with sign language for their whole lives. We also have the testimony of Maria, who is a verbalized deaf person and knows the oral, written and sign languages; she has also played an important part as an interpreter, transcribing and translating the manifestations which were expressed in sign language. The results obtained clearly showed that the reading performance of these non verbalized deaf individuals was not compatible with their school grade (fourth grade of elementary school), besides showing little control over both sign language and Portuguese. The analysis of these results led to the conclusion that poor vocabulary and precarious learning came up due to the linguistic environment ( interlocutors not specialized in LIBRAS) which they were part of; that also did not allow them to grow in terms of symbolism, according to a piercean semiotic perspective. This task also aims at emphasizing the necessity of developing teaching methodologies which are in accordance with the need of the learner, considering that the first language of the deaf is the sign language, which in our case is the LIBRAS, and that Portuguese shall be learned as a second language, allowing the individual to have access to the universe of written information. For that to happen, we need to diffuse LIBRAS through projects in association with FENEIS and universities, as well as with the support of the government and the media, so that we can assure that this language is well known by both the deaf and their family, and by people in general


surdez comunicação não-verbal educação especial linguagem por sinais fonoaudiologia

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