Proposta de um modelo de implementação da gestão estratégica em organizações públicas com uso integrado do balanced scorecard e do governo matricial: um estudo de caso no Ministério da Saúde.




This thesis propose to present a model for implementation of strategic management in public organizations with integrated use of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the Matrix Government (GM), after presenting a literature review of the Balanced Scorecard and Matrix Government in which were established elements of comparison and analysis between these two methodologies and have been identified the potential for complementarity between them to help implement the strategy of public organizations. The model consists of six steps: Design Strategy; Translation of the Strategy (Strategic Planning) Alignment of Organization with the Strategy, Allocation of Responsibilities; Alignment of internal processes with the Strategy (Operational Planning), Monitoring and Evaluation of Results. For the development of the proposed model was studied the case of joint implementation of both methodologies in the Ministry of Health. In the end of the work the proposed goals were reached, as the GM and BSC were reviewed in the light of the proposed elements of comparison, were identified the points of complementarity between the methodologies, and finally was presented a model that enables the implementation of the strategy assisting public organizations.


administracao publica balanced scorecard balanced scorecard gestão estratégica pública strategic management public strategic management gestão estratégica governo matricial matrix government

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