This study is part of the research developed in the Post Graduation Education Program of the Federal University of Santa Maria, in the line of research in Education and Arts - Musical Education - for the FAPEM - Formation, Action and Research in Musical Education. This study verified that varied technological resources are evident at schools of music, allowing that teachers to keep in touch with specific technology in your pedagogical action for the music education. The teachers that acting in this model of school have different professional background and approach in your classes varied types and styles of music, in some cases, transiting for more than a type of technological resource, however making the interaction between its, however using some specifically. As cause and consequence of the dialogues carried through with eight citizens, the questionings had appeared that had guided this qualitative research, that it objectified to investigate as occurs the use of technological resources in practical of education of the music of the operating professors in three schools of music of Santa Maria, particularizing the context of the relations that if establish between musical education, musical learning and the job of technological resources to mediate the practical teachers in music of the same ones. To answer to these questionings, the research if considered to verify, from data collected with the use of matrix of half-structuralized interview, how the musics teachers learn to use the musical technology and how to apply it in your diary education practice, above to investigate which are the criterions used for these musics teachers to choose which technological resources must be use or not to use to help the teaching of music, as well as to search how the technology can mediate the teaching of music in the three schools investigated in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. In the conclusion of this research, there is a growing care of the musics teachers that acting in the searched schools regarding your act of learning and technological update, intending the adequate utilization of the technological resources that they have available to teach music. Gone by the initial euphoria of the technological revolution in the education, is the time of to make know the background of the professionals that work to inserting the technologies in your Musical Education practice as a determinate point in the relation Technology + Musical Education. This search intents to contribute with the process of to learn and to teach of the Musical Education, specifically with reflections about use of the technologies as mediate of these process by the teachers that acting in musics schools.


educação tecnologia educacional educational technology formation of teachers formação de professores escolas de música education schools of music. technology educação musical tecnologia educacao musical education

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