Professor reflexivo no ensino superior : intervenção na prática pedagógica




This research purposes as a theme the studying the reflective teacher on the higher education: intervention on the pedagogycal practice the interest to do a research about this theme is to comprehend how the theory and the practice, bias toward the academician knowledge. The current paper has the objective of investigating as the teachers think over about their pedagogycal practice and that impact and changes this thought produces on their practice. Developing this study in the beginning was wade a knowledge with base on the recently publications about the reflective teacher. The bibliography used, built up the base for the outdoors research, that had the purpose to describe how the reflection can contribute to develop the pedagogycal practice. The outdoor research was done on a graduation institute, whose location is in Curitiba, on the second semester of 2004. For the interview, were indicated by the coordinators of the graduation course, one teacher of each course, having a total of eleven teachers and the criterion of indication the ones practice. There is a worry with the process of teaching learning of the students, the observation of the principles of didactic used in the classroom, clarity presentation of the subject and the adequacy to the methodological procedures. As a reference to the presented question, was chosen to indicate the teacher that had the better evaluation besides the interviews were invited all the teachers of the one to answer a questionnaire about the reflection process, that include what were approached on the interviews. The paper proposed to the researcher a better knowledge on the pedagogycal practice and allowed the same society nearer with professorss ideas by the interviews and in the indirect way on the application of the questions. This research represents a contribution for the pedagogycal reflective practice. It showed the reflection process done by the teachers, their worries, the advance and possible changes. In the beginning of teachers career there is a valorization more intense of the activity which afterwards changes to a worry with the process of learning including the difficulty of the students. There is a resentment by the teacher with the lack of pedagogycal training and this process occurs isolated, each professional does that without a collective discussion. This one should be introduced on the attempt of having changes of the pedagogycal practice contributing for the improvement of the higher education.


ensino superior prática de ensino educacao professores universitários

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