Portfolius: Um modelo de gestÃo de portfÃlio de projetos de software




Nowadays the organizations live a great marketing competitiveness currently demanding fast decisions, better resource allocation and clear objectives. A typical software development enterprise has a frequently changed mix of short term and long term projects. In this environment, the project management discipline has to deal with new challenges in the project selection, project prioritization, and resource allocation. Thus, this research defines the Portfolius that is a software development project portfolio management model in order to aid organizationâs decisions makers in the project portfolio selection in agreement with organization goals. The proposed model allows the selection of projects aligned with the business strategy. Furthermore, the model leads the organization towards the adoption of a long-term view. The systemic approach of the main subjects related to portfolio management (i.e. Strategic Planning, Knowledge Management, Project Management, Portfolio Selection, and Portfolio Prioritization) is the highlight of our study. A case study was carried out in order to check the validity of the model. Finally, we conclude that portfolio management can strongly aid improving management at multiproject environment and becoming more accurate organizations decisions of choosing the right projects as well


gestÃo do conhecimento portfolio selection knowledge management portfolio prioritization seleÃÃo e priorizaÃÃo de projetos gestÃo de portfÃlio de projetos strategic planning project management ciencia da computacao project portfolio management planejamento estratÃgico

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