Um Modelo de Processo de GestÃo de Riscos para Ambientes de MÃltiplos Projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software




The importance of using processes, techniques and tools in managing risks is each time more recognized in software development environments. This is caused, in part, by the agreement of that a significant part of failure is related with a bad Risk Management. Risk Management is one of the most recent issues in project management and its evolution in Software Engineering is associated with threat reatments in software development environments. Many models and approaches have been presented and considered in the last 15 years. However, the main weakness of the approaches up to now is to neglect the relations between projects and the risk that may occur. Besides many kinds of projects are launched, suspended, cancelled and modified, with different proposals, as market flows. From this reality, this thesis presents mPRIME Process â risk management process model for multiple projects environments that has as goals: (i) to enable risk assessment and control in multiple projects environments; (ii) to enable risk and opportunity knowledge in multiple projects environments; (iii) to define a risk information structure of the environment and; (iv) to generate for the multiple project manager and team, useful decision drivers. The mPRIME Process was created to act in multiple projects risk management software development environments using quality techniques, project management and product engineering methodology independent. Besides managing tool to aid the risk management is included â mPRIME Tool and risk ontology to give standard information structure of risks â mPRIME Ontology


project management risk qualidade de software risco risk management software engineering ciencia da computacao software quality gerÃncia de riscos engenharia de software gerÃncia de projetos

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