Politicas públicas para o turismo no Brasil e suas influências em Rolândia-PR




This research will discuss concepts of public politics and the paper of the State, having as main focus the related public politics to the development of the tourism and as these politics influence a small city. To understand this relation is necessary also understand how was the evolution of the historical process of these politics in the country. Therefore, on the basis of authors who study this subject, we have opted for the division for periods, in according to some important events which marked the organization of the tourism in the country. The period initiated in 2003 will be also presented with the creation of the MinTur up to 2007 with the agencies that more influence the activity and as they have formed the politics in this period with analyze of the current National Plan of Tourism 2007-2010. The Program of Regionalization of the tourism that brings the concepts of Regionalization will be also discussed. The state of Paraná has a structure to discuss, to elaborate and to plan actions of public politics of the tourism, which can and should influence a city, but, as it is observed in this research, the base is the one that more suffers with the lack of pronunciation between the spheres of the government. It was opted for the use of the interviews to verify as these politics are influencing Rolândia. The influences of the public politics for the tourism in the city must be in the direction to promote the region, benefiting the local community, so that they can guide the route of the activity, reaching the objectives of the programs and projects of integrated form.


geography - public policy turismo - politicas públicas geografia - politicas públicas geografia - turismo tourism - public policy

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