Politícas públicas para a geração de empregos: considerações sobre o PROGER Turismo




The present work aims to discuss the proposal of the Job and Income Generation Program (PROGER) by the Brazilian Labour Ministry, in its category dedicated to the Tourism sector, instituted in 2003. Beyond the discussion about the main characteristics of PROGER Turismo, this study tries to observe the evolution of the level of formal occupations in the Typical Tourism Activities in the Northeast region of Brazil and in the state of Paraíba from 2003 to 2006, the period in which the studied program has been active. In order to collect the data, a documental research has been conducted based on the contents of the National Tourism Plan 2003-2007 by the Tourism Ministry; the Resolutions by the Worker Support Fund Deliberative Council, especially Resolution 319, of 29 April 2003, which instituted PROGER Turismo as part of PROGER Urbano; the Worker Support Fund Reports; the Informe PROGER management information of the Job and Income Generation Programs, which contains the data of this program from 2000 to 2006; and, finally, the statistics of the Information System about the Labour Market in the Tourism Sector, created by the Institute of Applied Economic Research. In the first part, which refers to the discussion about the characteristics of PROGER Turismo, the qualitative approach was used and the topics concerning the selection of the candidates for the program and the financial institutions which are responsible for the credit application to the candidates were specially discussed. By using the qualitative approach, official data about the investments of the Worker Support Fund in PROGER Turismo in Brazil were presented, and also some specific data about the program in Paraíba, from 2003 to 2006; besides, the data that express the evolution of occupations in the Typical Tourism Activities in 2003 and 2004 were commented, and the estimates in occupation increase for the years 2005 and 2006, were exposed through basic statistics. Throughout the research, bibliographical sources and other documental sources were revised in order to understand the concepts related to the object of this study, aiming to acquire further knowledge of the area of study and the delimited theme, and support the analysis of the collected data. A minor participation of the state of Paraíba in the occupation increase in the Typical Tourism Activities was observed, compared to the estimated performance for the Northeast region and also there is an unsatisfactory level of articulation and control of PROGER Turismo in this state


políticas públicas job generation turismo geração de empregos administracao public policies tourism

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