Percepções sobre os atributos de qualidade da Associação Educacional do Vale do Itajaí Mirim a partir da integração dos modelos servqual e kano




The increase in the number of Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) is visible in Brazil. Data of the National Educational Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), of the year of 2003, show that the number of IES, private and public, jumped of 873 in 1993, to 1859 in 2003. However the relation enters the number of ingressions, for selective process, and the number of how to conclude of superior education is approximately 59%. This data, if desunite, shows if in the public IES the percentage of concluders is of 72,5% against 54% in the private IES. In intention to improve the level of quality of superior education in Brazil, the federal government creates, for the Law n 10,861, of 14 of April of 2004, the National System of Evaluation of the Superior Education (Sinaes), that it is the new instrument of superior evaluation of the MEC/Inep. It is formed by three main components: the evaluation of the institutions, the courses and the performance of the students. The Sinaes possesss a series of complementary instruments: auto-evaluation, external evaluation, Enade, Evaluation of the graduation courses and instruments of information (INEP, 2005). Inserted in a competitive environment and pressured by the regulating agencies the IES they need then to improve its tools for evaluation and improves of its general quality. In intention to develop a tool for such process this study it was carried through in the Educational Association of the Valley of the Itajaí Mirim (Assevim) in the city of Brusque - SC, Brazil. The data had been collected in questionnaire structuralized closed and analyzed through the integration of two models of analysis of perceptions of quality attributes, the Kano Model and SERVQUAL scale. It is perceived that the integration of the two models brings a more correct analysis of the perception of the respondents with relation to the questioned attributes, justifying this union


modelo kano escala servqual servqual scale kanos model gestão da qualidade total; ensino superior - avaliação avaliação de ensino superior administracao de empresas higher education evaluation

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