PercepÃÃo de gestores de TI/SI e executivos sobre o papel da TI/SI e sua utilizaÃÃo estratÃgica: um estudo exploratÃrio em indÃstrias de autopeÃas




The organizations face a economic environment characterized by frequent and unexpected transformations, technological changes, global competition, electronic commerce expansion, among others factors, that strengthen the dynamic characteristics of this environment. In order to compete in this environment, the companies need to be agile, fast and effective. Only in such a way, they will obtain competitive advantages in relation to its competitors. The information technology (IT) and the information systems (IS) can contribute in significant and efficient ways so that the organizations reach this objective. This requires that the main executives see these resources as strategical and be knowledgeable of the potential that they represent for the competitiveness of its organizations. It also implies, that the IT/IS managers understand more of the organizationsâ businesses and strategies, coming close to the other executive and start acting more as one of them and less as a specialist. This study, based on research carried out in auto parts industries and involving managers of IT/IS and managers of other areas, tried to identify how the IT/IS are being used in these organizations and which is the perception of the two groups of executives regarding these resources. The results showed that, although the agreement on the strategical potential of the IT/IS, there is disagreement on other factors that could extend its use for this end. This shows that there is still a lot of room for IT/IS growth in the organizations analyzed


tecnologia da informaÃÃo engenharia de producao strategic alignment top management support strategic information systems planning information systems alinhamento estratÃgico apoio alta gerÃncia planejamento estratÃgico de sistemas de informaÃÃo sistemas de informaÃÃo information technology

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