Ativo ambiental e preÃo de imÃvel na cidade do recife: um estudo exploratÃrio a partir da utilizaÃÃo do mÃtodo dos preÃos hedÃnicos




This work makes use of hedonic price valuation theory to estimate the individual marginal value attributed to the environmental assets in Recife, throughout the differences in house pricing, according to its proximity to the natural resources. Traditionally, itâs assumed the dependent variable be normally distributed, however, due to its endogenous variable characteristics, i.e., that it assumes strictly positive values, the distribution gamma was used in this study. Empiric results corroborate the proposition that there is a positive relationship between residences prices and the proximity of houses to natural resources. Therefore, the results indicate that the agents are willing to pay more for residences close to environmental amenities: 13% for green areas and 9% for those areas near water facilities


environment asset economia hedonic price model ativos ambientais modelo de preÃos hedÃnicos preÃos de imÃveis house pricing

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