Pedagogical practices in environmental education the differentiated school of education childish and teaching fundamental tapeba Conrado Teixeira / PrÃticas PedagÃgicas em EducaÃÃo Ambiental: A Escola Diferenciada de EducaÃao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental Tapeba Conrado Teixeira.




This paper reports an investigation of ethnographic nature about the pedagogical practices in Environmental Education of the differentiated indigenous school. It refers to a study of descriptive case, with a qualitative approach, of a diferentiated school, located in Caucaia- CearÃ. Into this perspective, the choices made throughout the investigative process involved documental and field bibliographic research about the indigenous thematic, it is used the technique of semi-structured interviews with the teachers, students and leadership, besides the participant observation. It was registered also, informal talks. It was applied questionairies with the teachers and the school principal. The data collection was made from September to December 2006. The preliminary contacts with the subjects of the research happened in 2005. The data was analysed, especially taking the pedagogical practices and concepts in Environmental Education of the teachers. Through the analysis of the data there was among the five chosen teachers that their pedagogical practices are centered on the incentive to the conservation of the natural resources. There is a certain sensitivity of the students when presenting conservationist attitudes and respect to the environment. The teachers led reflections during the classes at school and the field lessons, in the formation fo consubstantiated behaviors in in Behavorial Environmental Education and in the facing of the environmental problems lived by the Tapeba ethnic group. In general, the students start to perceive the relations of interdependency of the human beings, their physical, biological and cultural environment. The educative activities of the teachers have the conservacionist, especially from the natural and cultural environment. The school community feels veru motivated with the conservation of the environment in the tribe


educaÃÃo escolar indÃgena educaÃÃo ambiental educaÃÃo ambiental - estudo e ensino - caucaia(ce) ensino e aprendizagem na sala de aula pedagogical practices escolas indÃgenas - caucaia(ce) crianÃas indÃgenas - educaÃÃo - caucaia(ce) environmental education education indigenous prÃticas pedagÃgicas Ãndios tapeba - educaÃÃo - caucaia(ce)

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