Os princípios andragógicos no contexto do processo ensino-aprendizagem da fisioterapia




Adults education is a theme that has appeared in many publications directed to approach educational methods whose proposal is to surpass the limits of traditional teaching. Among these methods, there is the andragogical theory that is based on educational principles. It is distinguished from traditional teaching because it considers the subject of learning attributes (or specificities) in the adult condition. The national policy has a model of innovative teaching as a guideline for health care superior education. This model is able to capacitate professionals in order to serve the health care demands from society. This thesis consists of a qualitative study whose aim is to analyze the application possibility of the principles of the andragogical theory in the context of physiotherapy teaching-learning process. The participants were professors from the physiotherapy course of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), student representatives from UFSM and a professional representative. Data were collected in three stages. The first stage consisted of research in documents that guide education in physiotherapy. In the second stage, a questionnaire of educational orientation, by Hadley (1974), was applied to thirty-seven professors and they answered it. The third stage consisted of a pedagogical workshop involving twenty-five professors and eight graduation students. It is worth to say that the principles of the andragogical theory were analyzed under six categories: education intention, nature of the subject of learning, role of experience in learning, control of learning experience, assessment and professor-student relationship as well as student-student relationship. It was observed that documents which guide education in physiotherapy are based on innovative teaching guidelines. The implementation of such guidelines is urgent and the andragogical principles seem to collaborate with this intention because they turn out to be harmonized with the expected teaching model. In addition, it was observed that professors and students recognize the inappropriateness of traditional teaching before demands of new curriculum and they express the need of training for such alteration since they believe that changes may qualify physiotherapy teaching. It is concluded that the superior education model has been guided by traditional teaching. However, as national guidelines guide for curricular innovation, the community from the physiotherapy course accepted the challenge of changing. This deference is a possibility of application of the andragogical principles in the physiotherapy teaching-learning process.


ciencias da saude education educação andragogy andragogia physiotherapy fisioterapia

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