O ensino religioso na escola pública e a epistemologia dos materiais implementados nas escolas oficiais do Estado de São Paulo após a Lei n 9475/97.




The objective of this research is to show the changes occurred in the ephistemological format of religious taught in public schools after the promulgation of law number 9475/97 that altered LDB article 33 number 9394/96; and to reveal its ideological inclination. These changes were observed specially in São Paulo state in 2001, when the state department of education regularized the subject and the Board of Education implemented in the public school system. We researched the historical development of the relations between the Church and the State in Brazil and its interference in education since Jesuit school. This historical study observed varied forms in which religion appeared in the school system and confronted them with the new form adopted in São Paulo. We crowded our historical retrospective with the elaboration process of the 1998 Constitution and LDB number 9394/96 until the definition of the 9475/97 law. Thus, we proceeded to the ephistemological analysis of two distinct materials implemented by the Board of Education as of 2002, as the subsidy to Religion teachers in the official state schools during the first two years of the implement Our analysis of the presence of Religion in the public school system settled on a theoretical and ephistemological perspective that conceives religion, religiosity and religious or clerical institutions as historical products expressing the relations people share with one another, under the determination of distinct interest presented in society. Our research noticed that the redefinition of Religious Taught shows a catholic effort in order to respond to a new reality in which religious pluralism is manifested and even more openly in Brazil. This effort gives continuance to an ecumenical line adopted by the Catholic Church in the Vatican from 1962 to 1966, and also shows, as seem in the past the pressure of the Catholic Church, now joined to other small evangelical denominations, in the sense of keeping privileges in the public system by material subsidies for its evangelical action. It shows that catholics dont accept the lay formula as a deal which consists of recognizing the religion as a private subject to preserve the public system against possible embarrassments.


epistemologia history of education religião religious taught ensino laico ephistemological educação - história lay education educacao ensino religioso são paulo state religion

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