O direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo e a responsabilidade civil pelo seu descumprimento no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.




The present paper examines the fundamental right to a reasonable guarantee of the duration of proceedings, as explicitly set out in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, in section LXXVIII, article 5, as well as civil liability in the cases of a breaching of this precept. The above-mentioned section was added in the Enactment of the Constitutional Amendment number 45 dated 08.12.2004 guaranteeing for everyone, both within the judicial proceeding and the administrative proceeding, the right to a reasonable guarantee of the duration of proceedings and, moreover, the means by which its procedures are carried out the quickest way possible. The approach to the theme unfolds in two perspectives, that is: the first is doctrinaire emphasizing the institute within the circuity of the legal system and its repercussion on Brazilian Procedural Civil Law and, moreover, identifying civil liability by breaching fundamental normative precepts. In the second perspective the approach will point to a critical analysis of the juridical discourse, in the normative field, of the common act n. 001 of July, 2008 of the Supreme Court of the State of Pernambuco which disposes the regulation of the law to a reasonable duration of proceedings in that state. As a result it becomes clear that it is not only in the making of laws that we can offer a more dynamic procedure which results in an effective judgment, within a reasonable period of time, and reaching a useful result, but instead, offering structural support through the forwarding of adequate resources to the Judicial Power. Proceedings, Civil Liability.


liability (law) - brazil procedural law - brazil dissertações fundamental rights direitos fundamentais dissertation direito processual - brasil responsabilidade (direito) - brasil direito

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