O direito de autor à luz do direito civil contemporâneo




In this study the copyright is contextualized and analyzed in accordance to the new perspectives of propertys rights, as well as the interests of Diffuse and Collective rights. As an instrument of social development, copyright needs to be constantly interpreted, either in reason of the new technologies available, which leads to questions never before imagined or faced, either because of the new theories that nowadays appear concerning the limitation of the individual rights in favor of the society. In this sense the protection of the intellectual production equally deserve to be reviewed and redefined, in order to prevent that the excess of protection, or even the lack of protection, become a way to unstimulate any creations. The intensity and constancy fomentation of intellectual goods creation, and its respective mass spreadings by diverse types of media, has considerably contributed to the economic, cultural and technological development of actual society. In view of the above, keeping an analysis of the copyright under the optics of the dignity of the human being, but without losing of sight its social function and the collective interests, is fundamental to the correct application of the limits of protection as well as the usage of copyrights, making possible, therefore, its accurate valuation and fair exploration, counterbalances (valuation and exploration) that will always guide such rights


direito civil -- brasil direito de autor -- brasil copyrights direitos autorais direito

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