O desafio da construção de valores no ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa




This study aims at analyzing the possibility of a teacher acting as an agent that provides opportunities for discussing about values during English classes. More specifically, this study aims at analyzing the action of a teacher as a mediator agent in the construction of spaces for discussing about values during the classes. The theoretical framework adopted for this work concerns: the concept of ethics (Chauí,1994; Gentili, 2001; Pastor, 1996) , the concept of citizenship (Gentili, 2001; Sacristán, 2001; Pinsky, 2004 e 2005; Dallari, 1998; Béal, 2001; Machado, 1997), the transversal themes (Yus, 1996 e Machado, 1997) and the role of the teacher in the major teaching and learning theories (Williams Burden, 1997; Milhollan &Forisha, 1978; Freire, 1970; Vygotsky, 1998). This research takes place is an English institute owned by a traditional catholic school in the south of the city of São Paulo. The students that have participated in this research belong to the middle and upper social classes. In order to collect the data a questionnaire and the video recording of the classes (Rizzini, Castro &Sartor, 1996) have been used . As for the methodology the action-research methodology has been adopted (Kincheloe, 1993; Thiollent, 2005). For analyzing and interpreting the data, two categories of analysis have been followed: a) analysis of the concept of thematic proposed by Bronckart (2003), from which emerged the linguistic realizations of the students present in their answers to the questionnaire b) analysis of the turns of speaking proposed by Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006) to perceive if the teacher provided opportunities for discussing values during the classes. The first category of analysis has been used to answer the first research question: whats the representation of the students towards discussing values during the English classes? And the second category of analysis has been adopted to answer the second research question: how can a teacher provide opportunities for discussing values during English classes? Results indicate that (1) the English classes are considered by the students just as a space for learning in which the construction of values are not taken into account. (2) the teacher focused on the accomplishment of the curriculum relegating the discussion about values


língua inglesa valores values linguistica aplicada ensino-aprendizagem professores de lingua inglesa english classes lingua inglesa -- estudo e ensino teaching and learning

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