O comÃrcio inter-regional da regiÃo nordeste do Brasil : uma anÃlise das mudanÃas ocorridas apÃs o desenvolvimento dos recentes pÃlos dinÃmicos â 1943/1999




This paper aims to examine the interregional trade commerce of the Northeast of Brazil along with the other regions in Brazil. Its aim is to understand the changes carried out in the structure of the commerce, after the development of the dynamic poles in the northeast such as the petroquemical pole in CamaÃari in the state of Bahia and the textile and footwear production in the state of CearÃ. The research shows an aggregated view and a structural standpoint based on the structural change of the commerce. On the aggregated analysis, it was possible to identify the total volumes of commerce held with the other regions throughout the country, the interregional commerce in the context of the total commerce, including international trade and interior trade and the contribution of the states towards its composition. This conclusion is grounded on a data bank since the forties until the later nineties. Upon a structural analysis, interregional commerce agendas from 1976 and 1999 were compared, coming to observe the main compound products and the main changes occurred. As a result, the high fluxes were proved right, especially the southeast/northeast trade route, nonetheless this concentration presented fall tendency as other Brazilian regions also started to take more crucial part on the commerce process. At the same time, there was an outstanding change on the Northern states participation in the total amount of exportation, which is the result of positive fluxes of commerce originated in Bahia and CearÃ, in contrast to Pernambucoâs stagnation. On the structural analysis, it was possible to watch important changes on the trade agenda, mainly because of the recent establishment of dynamic growth poles in the northeast


regional economy economia industry comÃrcio inter-regional economia regional inter-regional commerce indÃstria

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