O choque entre dois mundos o contato entre o índio e o branco na colonização do Vale do Itajaí: um estudo sobre a interpretação do imigrante europeu a respeito dos Xokleng 1850 - 1914




The goal of the present work is the interpretation of the way European immigrants saw the Indians in the Itajaí Valley, from the foundation of the Blumenau colony in 1850, up to their pacification through the creation of Indian reservations in 1914. This will be done through the analysis of the abundant primary documental sources in that region, which have not been sufficiently interpreted, such as private notes, letters, administrative reports, and also through the interpretation of secondary sources, including articles published in local newspapers, which emitted the opinion of people interested in the matter. We will examine more closely the consequences of the shock between two worlds, which engaged the administrative instances of that time, above all the Santa Catarina government, the Colonization Companies, the European immigrant, the press and the Indians. The close scrutiny of this situation led us to question the preparation of the white Europeans by the institutions responsible for the settling and colonization of the lands in the Itajaí Valley, and for the contact with the Indians who lived in that place. Our hypothesis is that the vision they received about the Indian, and that which was further developed here ad continuum by the settlers was that the Indian did not have the same rights as the white man over the land to be possessed and cultivated. Therefore, he was seen as an obstacle to the development of the land. We want to know what type of vision people had of the Indian, to the point that they failed to consider him in a symmetric relation to the white man. This is the theme of our work


desenvolvimento regional itajaí valley immigrant colonização imigrante indian colonization vale do itajaí Índios xokleng - história - santa catarina; colonização; história; itajaí-açú, rio, vale (sc) antropologia índio regional development

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