Universidade e desenvolvimento no Médio Vale do Itajaí: os institutos de pesquisa da Universidade Regional de Blumenau




This dissertation has as theme the influence of the research developed in FURB Regional University of Blumenau, specifically the Institutes of Research, on the process of Development of the Itajaí Valley. The researcher tried to study this process of development, its historical mechanism and the theories that analyzed this process, especially in the 20th century. To accomplish a historical rising, regarding to the appearance of the University in the world, as well as making an investigation regarding to the appearance of FURB. To analyze the development the region and the University, the researcher used mainly, authors as Milton Santos, Sérgio Boisier, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Enzo Faletto, Ricardo Rossato, Cécile Raud, Giralda Seyferth, Maria Luiza Renaux and Marcos Antônio Mattedi. Through this dissertation the author tried to verify if the Research, especially the Institutes of Research in University of Blumenau influenced the regional development and in what is the measure of this influence. The researcher search to identify how was born the interrelation between the University and the Region, through the research


região region desenvolvimento ciências humanas universidade universidades e faculdades - pesquisa; desenvolvimento econômico; institutos de pesquisa development university

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