Mortars Properties Obtained by Partial Replacement of Portland Cement by Ground Waste Calcined Clay Bricks / Propriedades de argamassas obtidas pela substituição parcial de cimento Portland por rejeitos particulados de tijolos




This work describes the results of an investigation on the possible applications of ground waste calcined clay bricks (WCB) for use as an active partial replacement for Portland cement in mortars. The investigation has been carried out using a full factorial design for experimental design. For the study, the physical and mechanical properties along their durability of mortar produced with WCB were investigated and the results presented. Mortar mixtures were prepared using WCB as the partial replacement of Portland cement at the level 10%, 20% and 30 wt.% with water/cement ratios of 0.45, 0.55 and 0.65. The necessary data for establishing a mix proportion design and a quality control method are obtained. Properties of fresh (consistency index and specific gravity) and hardened (7-day, 28-day and 120-day compressive strength, 28-day water absorption and 28-day alkali content) mortars were evaluated on specimens. Such statistical modeling is discussed against qualitative X-ray diffraction and microstructures of some selected samples were studied using SEM. Several empirical equations, surface and contour plots for the physicalmechanical properties of fresh and hardened recycled mortar with WCB as replacement content were obtained via regression analysis. The influence of level of WCB on the properties has been established, and its suitability for use in a mortar application has been assessed. The consistency decreased in parallel to an increase in the proportion of WCB. Specific gravity of mortars was far lower than that of normal no replacement mortars. A given 28-day compressive strength (21 MPa to 37 MPa) can be achieved at several water/cement ratio and the replacement contents up to 30 wt. %, thus producing na economical mixture mortar with WCB and lower cement Portland content. XRD and SEM analyses results indicated the presence of quartz, calcite, ettringite, portlandite, and silicates in recycled mortars.


rejeito de tijolos ground waste calcined clay bricks projeto fatorial completo argamassas physicalmechanical properties propriedades de argamassas full factorial design. microstructures microestruturas mortars ceramica

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