Mostrando 1-12 de 144 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Evaluation of the use of blast furnace slag as an additive in mortars
Abstract Clinker is the raw material used in the manufacture of cement. However, this material is very harmful to the environment, since it is estimated that for every ton of clinker produced, about 1.0 ton of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. For this reason, alternatives were sought for the use of other materials that are less harmful to the environment
REM - International Engineering Journal. Publicado em: 2022
2. Marble and granite waste as mineral addition in mortars with different water-cement ratios
Resumo A construção civil está associada a diversos impactos ambientais, como a emissão de CO 2 durante a produção de cimento e a geração de resíduos. Neste contexto, visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da substituição de cimento por resíduo de mármore e granito (RMG
Ambiente Construído. Publicado em: 2022
3. Influence of the physical characteristics of sand and the crushed filler content on the properties of self-leveling mortars
Abstract The properties of self-leveling mortars (SLMs) in the fresh and hardened state are strongly affected by their formulation. In this study, the influence of three different quartz sands (different physical characteristics) was investigated in SLMs, as well as the replacement of these sands by crushed basalt filler. The tests performed were: spreading,
Cerâmica. Publicado em: 2021-06
4. Evaluation of mortars produced with Baosteel slag short flow (BSSF) steel slag as fine aggregate
Abstract The objective was to evaluate the influence of Baosteel slag short flow (BSSF) steel slag, a byproduct of a Brazilian steel mill, as a fine aggregate on the properties of fresh state and on the compressive strength of mortars. The experimental work was to characterize the BSSF steel slag and to produce simple mortars (only cement) and mixed mortars
Cerâmica. Publicado em: 2021-03
5. Ternary system Portland cement-calcium aluminate cement-calcium sulfate applied to self-leveling mortar: a literature review
Abstract The modernization of building systems is increasingly demanding products that improve efficiency during their processing. The development of self-leveling mortars for the regularization of flooring is a consequence of this evolution. The high contents of binder and water to obtain self-flowing property, plus the application of thin layers over large
Cerâmica. Publicado em: 2021-03
6. Proposal of a method for service life prediction of a concrete structure: a case study
Abstract This article presents a method for service life prediction of concrete structures. The proposed method aims to estimate the performance of a concrete structure through its permeability to carbon dioxide penetration, in order to verify its accordance to Brazilian standards. This case study is based on an inspection made in an educational building in
REM, Int. Eng. J.. Publicado em: 2020-09
Brown sugar and sticky rice were frequently used as organic additives in Chinese mortars. This study applied enzymatic spectrophotometric methods to identify sucrose and starch contents in traditional Chinese lime- and earth-based mortars. The focus was to understand and evaluate the qualitative detection capacity of enzymatic method in mortars, by first app
Quím. Nova. Publicado em: 20/07/2020
8. Stabilized mortar with air incorporator agent and plasticizer set retarder: performance measurement
Resumo Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver três argamassas estabilizadas para alvenaria com aditivo incorporador de ar e plastificante retardador de pega para comparar com uma argamassa convencional com cal. Foi analisado o índice de consistência, a massa específica, o teor de ar incorporado, a retenção da água, o tempo de pega através do calor
Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater.. Publicado em: 13/12/2019
9. Estudo experimental do fluxo de umidade em argamassas de cal aérea
RESUMO Uma parte significativa do património histórico construído ao redor do mundo é constituída de alvenaria estrutural, com juntas preenchidas com argamassa. Nesses sistemas estruturais, a argamassa usualmente representa uma parcela pequena/moderada do volume total da estrutura, no entanto, a argamassa é reconhecida como a principal fonte de movimen
Matéria (Rio J.). Publicado em: 25/11/2019
10. Long-term behavior of mortars produced with sulfide-bearing aggregates
ABSTRACT The variety of sulfides (inorganic compounds formed by combining sulfur with a metal element) presented in earth crust is not small, which makes it difficult to avoid the use of sulfide-bearing aggregates in the concrete, especially in places where another source of material is non-existent or economically impracticable, as is the case of dams. With
Matéria (Rio J.). Publicado em: 25/11/2019
11. Mechanical behavior and durability of mortars with quartzite and Portland cement after sulfate attack
RESUMO Os resíduos de rochas ornamentais, especialmente quartzito, causam grande impacto ambiental. Mais impulso tem sido dado à pesquisa sobre a reciclagem desses resíduos nos últimos anos, particularmente para uso como agregados em concreto e argamassa. No entanto, os estudos realizados até o momento não mencionam o comportamento da argamassa mistura
Matéria (Rio J.). Publicado em: 25/11/2019
12. Argamassas de cal e metacaulim: influência das condições de cura
RESUMO Nesse estudo analisou-se a influência das condições de cura de argamassas de cal aérea com dois tipos de metacaulim, utilizados como substituto parcial da massa de cal (10%). Para a análise, foram realizados ensaios de resistência mecânica à flexão e à compressão e, de composição mineralógica por difração de Raio-X (DRX), em corpos de
Matéria (Rio J.). Publicado em: 25/11/2019