Mães de crianças com transtornos mentais : um estudo psicologico




The child mental health assistance is not restricted to the child, since his economical, social and emocional dependence is brought for evaluation and treatment by the parents. Taking that into account this work aims to describe and understand: 1- the mothers perceptions of the emotional suffering of their children; 2- the mental processes that are used by mothres to deal whith and to understand the children s suffering; 3- the fantasies that they have about the causes of the disease of their children; 4- mothers experience of the routes followed by the mother-child couple through the Health System. A semi - structured interview was carried out on 8 mothers at their first consultation in the out-patient clinic of the Child Mental Health Service of the State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. We kept our analysis on the difficulties that the mothers have to feel and understand the emotional symptons of their children and to look for an early and ef{ective help. We describe the mental paths that were passed through by these mothers, during the emotional process that made them able to face the need for psychological and/or psychiatric help fortheir children. Departing from the flutuations of the schizoid-paranoid and depressive positions described by Klein as ell as the Bion s contributions about the knowledge and its pathologies, we related the dialetics between the fight for do not know and the suffering for feeling the emotional difficulties of the child. Comprehensive considerations about the role of the pediatrician, obstetrician, as well as the role of teachers and schools are made, relating them to the prophilaxis and early deteccion of the emotional difficulties in childhood


psiquiatria infantil saude mental infantil psicanalise infantil

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