Limitações ao poder de tributar da união, dos estados e dos municípios




Limitations to the paying of tributes to the Brazilian Country, States and Municipalities. 2008. 112p. Masters Dissertation Fortaleza University UNIFOR. The present work discusses an academic dissertation, which is the final requirement to the conclusion of a Masters in order to obtain a Masters Degree in Constitutional Law. The study of contributory principles, beginning with their history, how they originated, the purposes and the social situation which developed these principles, always leading to the Brazilian constitutions, since the constitutions are the main core of our judicial ordainment, that is, the main parameter of our society, and the application of these principles in contemporaneity brings along important facts in connection with the application of these axioms and their economic, social and judicial effects. The first investigated facts relate to the evolution of their use which happened in the course of time and whether or not they are being correctly used, therefore orientating, if necessary, towards their correct application, subsequently the effects caused by the axioms in the societies, which are the influences in the economy, in the judicial science and the changing aspects of their evolutions, the economic, political and social factors which caused the evolution of their principles, and which are the judicial and philosophical parameters used to conceptualise and fundament the above mentioned changes. This study aims at our reality, thus was based on the Brazilian Constitutions, and brings back historical aspects which relate to the time they were made positive in our laws through our Constitutions indicating the discussed article along with the historical analysis of the time, including, for this reason, the motivation of the sited norm and the effects brought to the society.


ordenamento jurÍdico - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional direito tributÁrio - dissertaÇÕes

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