Leituras da orfandade. Família, declínio do pai e ausência de lei: uma abordagem do universo ficcional de Rubem Fonseca


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the present time it is observed that the family assumes forms different from those it had when formulated as a system in the century XVIII. Characterized by innumerable changes, family does not possess a fixed structure in present days. Specially we study the narratives of Henri, A força humana, Feliz ano novo and O cobrador, of Rubem Fonseca, although visiting other works of the writher, we will argue and examine the configurations of the present family. In this direction, we analyze the representations of the citizen relation with the new familiar structures, the decline of paternal imago and the consequences that these transformations bring to the subjectivity, as well as the forms by which such relations are staged literarily by the brazilian writer


psicanálise e literatura rubem fonseca crítica e interpretação literatura e sociedade literatura brasileira aspectos sociais letras família

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