LAGO PARANOÁ DE BRASÍLIA/DF: Análise dos usos e ocupações do espaço da orla para o lazer




The scientific research presented has been developed for purposes of demonstrating what the situation of the shores leisure areas of Paranoás Lake (Brasília Federal District) is, which is the main subject of this study. In order to reach the goals proposed for this research, an investigation was made to understand (i) the creation of Brazils Capital and (ii) how the areas around the lake are occupied. The main aspect studied in this research was the Lakes leisure areas, how the population takes advantages of it and the influence of the responsible agents, either public or private areas. The importance of this study is the relevance of how the theme leisure has been explored in the late years in Brazil as well as in other countries. Therefore, the topic leisure has been quite explored in order to fundament this research, which was contributed by national and foreign researchers. Another topic that was deeply explored was the Lakes area itself, since the leisure activities analyzed take place at the Lakes shore in Brasília. The perception of the agents involved with Paranoás Lake was obtained by interviews with the population and with the public and private sectors that maintain a straight relation with the usage of the lake. From the result of the interviews, a Collective Subjects Speech was created to qualify the way in which the Lakes area is enjoyed and seen by the population. The researchs purposes were reinforced by a final analysis since the shores area has a great potential of usage for leisure. However, there is still a need of more efficient occupation policies that would privilege the partnership public-private.


lago paranoá collective subjects speech brasília turismo discurso do sujeito coletivo brasília lazer paranoás lake paranoá, lago do (df) leisure

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