Interação da família com a escola: desafios atuais / Interaction between family and school: current challenges




This work is a reflection and analysis of the relation between family and school and the challenges to be faced by these institutions. The objective is to identify the function of the family and school in the educational sphere, as well as pointing the current problems. For the nature of study, the research was adapted as a methodological aproach based on concrete experiences with students, teachers, parents, administrators and coordinators of public schools. The methodology is ruled by the analysis of quality along with the reflection of a universe of meanings that envolves aspiration, beliefs, values, attitudes, violence among others, that interfere in these institutions. It was verified that, with the economic, politic and social advancement, starting specially with the entrance of the women in the work market and the globalization effects, begins a process of transformation and changes of the family and schools status quo. Its also pointed, the current problems of the family with its crises and its destruction and weakness, that also demands a new educational position from school. Nowadays we face families that seem to have forgotten their origins, function, rules and basis. These loss are due to the loss of moral, ethics and religious values that reduces the human being to na adapted human being, with no reflection of the current system. Its through the family and through its basis along with the school support that the opportunities of the world are shown. The great challenge remains in the partneship that families and schools must keep aiming the complete education of the children and teenagers. For that, its up to school to develop a truly democratic, participative and collective deliberation, followed by art, dialogue and discussion to soften the crises, bringing the parents to school.


education escola família challenges educação family desafios school educacao

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