Informational structure and duplication: a contribution to the teaching of the pronouns E/LE / A estrutura informacional e as duplicações: uma contribuição ao ensino de E/LE




This research aims at verifying if the students-informants, Brazilian learners of Spanish as a foreign language, and future teachers, use the duplicate phenomena, as well as investigate if the hypothesis that the experience in classroom focused on providing abundant input and focused on communication can lead to better results in the use of clitic pronouns and duplicate in comparison to the ones which are focused on grammar. Therefore we proposed an experiment which contemplates three different pedagogical situations that expose the students-informants to the duplicate occurrence of clitic structures in Spanish in order to prove if there is difference in the final result of the learning process starting from different process of manipulation of input (PMI). As the phenomena we analyzed is closely related to the organization of the informational structure aiming at the best way of spreading the information for the benefit of communication, we chose the Functional Grammar based on the Dutch doctrine (Dik, 1981, 1989, 1997) for the understanding of that very phenomenon. For the same reason, we seek a theory of acquisition and learning that could corroborate the experiment we conducted with the students-informants in order to check the validity of our proposal for a difference in the output of these learners in terms of processes, also differentiated, in handling the input. Thus, the Monitor Theory proposed by Krashen (1976 and 1982), more specifically, the Input Hypothesis seemed appropriate to test our hypothesis about the use of duplication. So, we concluded that the informants used the duplicate phenomena in their production from a communicative situation presented by the chosen comic book and that there is some difference in the output depending on the methodology of exposure of learners to the table of contents established. The methodological proposal which presented the input centered on communication and contextualized obtained more significant results in terms of output. This PMI proposal meets the functionalist conception of language, therefore the input that should be given to learners is the one that most closely matches the real situation of communication, because the informational structure is understood, the input is comprehensible and enables the learning process / acquisition proposed by Krashen (1982) in his hypothesis of the input.


gramática funcional spanish language funções pragmáticas duplicação clíticos língua espanhola functional grammar spanish as a foreign language learning methodology duplicate phenomena pragmatic functions metodologia do ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira clitic pronouns

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