Indicações e adesão adequadas da quimioprofilaxia como prevenção entre os contatos de pacientes com tuberculose, no município de Palmas TO / Adequate indications and adhesion of the chemoprevention as prevention enter the contacts of patients with tuberculosis, in the city of Palmas TO.




The tuberculosis is a infectum-contagious illness, caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in Brazil the tuberculosis consists in a serious problem of public health, although to be the first country in the world to implant the treatment of short duration, with multidrugs that guarantee the cure in six months. The chemoprevention is a preventive form of control of the tuberculosis, where individuals healthy, however infectious for the susceptible bacillus of the tuberculosis and to be sick, are submitted to the drug treatment for six months, as praised for the Health department. This study it had as objective central office to evaluate, by means of a structuralized questionnaire, the adequate indications and adhesion of the chemoprevention, as prevention in contacts of patients with tuberculosis, in the city of Palms - YOU. All Had been enclosed in the research the contacts of tuberculosis sick people, notifying in the SINAN, the years of 2007 and 2008. The joined results disclose that the city of Palmas YOU, through the units of health, this intent to the guiding and medical evaluation of the contacts; the adhesion to the diagnosis, that is, the first contacts consultation while is of 100%; the lapsing of the chemoprevention while prevention of the illness tuberculosis is carried through of form continues, however the adhesion of the patients to the preventive treatment still leaves to desire, what it is a preoccupying one in if treating to: - Risk of bacterial resistance, in detriment of the use of one drugs; - Risk of to be sick later for tuberculosis; - Risk of perpetuation of the chain of transmission of the illness; - Increase of expenses of the sector health; - Discontinuity of the actions of control of tuberculosis e; - Bond In addition/confidence between user and service of health. The preventive treatment of the tuberculosis, or quimioprofilaxia, occupies importance in what it still says respect to the individual protection of vulnerable people to the tuberculosis-illness and a social value a time that the people to be sick and consequently does not transmit the illness, thus breaking the chain of transmission and conquering so dreamed reduction of tuberculosis incidence.


tuberculose quimioprofilaxia saúde coletiva medicina preventiva tuberculosis chemoprevention

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