Identidade sociocultural e prÃticas de leitura literÃria: o processo de construÃÃo social do leitor




This research if inscribes in the scope of the studies interdisciplinary, in the areas of literature, sociology of the reading and pedagogy. One is about a research that explains the processes of formation and the practical ones of literary readings developed by a group of students of Fundamental Teaching of a situated pertaining to school institution in the community Cristo Rei to the south of Teresina-PI, where Literature almost is forgotten, also for the school. For in such a way, a socio-cultural, analytical-interpretative and praxiological study was become fullfilled, to the light of the aesthetic one of the reception unfolded in its historical categories. Analyzing itself, first, the roots of the origin of literary reception e, continuing themselves with the meeting strategies enter horizon of expectations of workmanships and readers, and types of literary reception. It was verified, still, the mÃmesis and the style of articulation as aesthetic strategies of the reception, responsible for the presence of the ideology in the act of production of Literature and its reading, revealing also the processes of formation and experiences of reading of social actors in France, in Brazil and Teresina-PI, are shown itself the memories of readings of these citizens at different times and spaces, in order to characterize the socio-cultural identity as the category that will serve of base, in this research, for the explanation of practical of literary readings of the group of students the observed readers. After that, the analysis of the referring data to the phenomenon of practical of literary readings between the citizens of the related group, demonstrating itself processes of literary formation of these social actors was made, proving practical the spontaneous ones of readings of poetical and fictional workmanships of the studied citizens. Through the accomplishment of playful workshops of readings, it was possible to also detect the aesthetic effect of the literary readings together to this public. Finally, ahead of the found results, literary activities for the formation of readers in the school are suggested


formaÃÃo de leitores leituras literÃrias efeitos estÃticos praxiolÃgico recepÃÃo analÃticointerpretativo prÃticas identidade sociocultural ensino fundamental estudos sociocultural oficinas lÃdicas de leituras teoria literaria

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