Historia, trabalho e educação : a educação profissional no Brasil (EPDB, Poços de Caldas - MG) / History, work and education : professional education in Brazil (Dom Bosco Professional School at Poços de Caldas city)




This study analyzes the relation between education and work, based on na investigation of the history of the Dom Bosco Vocational School in Poços de Caldas, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from the beginning of its activities in 1946 until 1970. This institution?s first priority was to meet the needs of less fortunate children and adolescents and the focus of its educative process was education for work. The main objective of the research is to understand education related to work and the transformation of society, in each period, as well as the relation to educational policies as directed toward vocational education. One of the questions that guided the research was to verify whether the "preventive system" of Dom Bosco has common points with "work as educative principle" of Gramsci and with the "Foundation of the School of Work" of Pistrak and, moreover, with the "Methodology for the organization of the educative process" of Makarenko. The study seeks, beginning with a dialogue with the secondary sources of Brazilian historiography and with the primary sources collected at the institution, to contribute to the line of research in the history of Brazilian education that works with the History of Institutions of Education, specifically, in the HISTEDBR [?History, Society and Education in Brazil? study and research group]. The research is organized in four chapters and final considerations, showing that different presuppositions in educational proposals, whose structure is based on the work/education pair, imply different relations with the transformation of society


salesianos poços de caldas (mg) escola profissional dom bosco (poços de caldas mg) educational institutions educação e trabalho history of professional education educação profissional - historia instituições dom bosco vocational school education and work salesians

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