Historia, trabalho e educação : relações de produção e qualificação da força de trabalho na agroindustria canavieira / History, work and education : relations of production and qualification of the workforce in the sugarcane industry




This thesis presents a historical study of the relation between work and education, having as basis the transformation of the sugar cane agro industry. The objective was toanalyze the transformations in the organization of the production, the division of work and its relations, as well as, the possible relations with the general educative processes and formation of the work force. The study carries a historical view of the relation between work and education, using as main sources of research the studies carried through and the available titles in diverse areas of the knowledge on the development of the sugar cane agro industry. The analysis is organized in four phases: the first one enclosed the period that goes from the XVI century to the XIX one, when the farming of the sugar cane and the manufacturing production of the sugar in the mill were carried out by the enslaved work. The schooling instruction interested only to a small layer of the elite and served as bridge between the metropolitan colonial interests and activities. The second phase occurred in the last few decades of the XIX century, with the transition of the manufacturing production in the mill to the industrial production in the plant, process that was concomitant to the transition of the enslaved work to the wage-earning free work. In this new context, the education fulfilled the strategically role of forming a new worker, to fulfill the demands of schooling and formation of the work force to the emergent Brazilian productive system. The third phase occurred from the decade of 1930, with the sped up expansion of industrialization in the process of substitution of the importation of merchandises, when the great Brazilian industry appeared. In consequence there was an increasing absorption of great contingents of qualified laborers to operate, to keep and to repair the equipment, as well as of qualified workers for the planning and controlling of the production. The general education and the technical - professional education were consolidated in nets. The fourth phase mentions the reorganization of the production emphasizing the automation ("robotization") of the productive processes, with radical changes into the work and professional formation. The results of the study allow concluding that, the transformations in the forms of organization of the production in the work; produce new educative processes and these transform themselves while the capitalism advances, changing the production relations and extending the division of the work. In a general way, it is verified that the main elements that characterize the current educative processes of the sugar cane production are present in all the studied phases, which can be synthesized in the trend of disqualification of the work originated from the processes of simplification of the production and emptying of the activities in knowledge terms; the emptying of the labor activities with the increasing incorporation of the science, the technology and the technique to the production; the permanence of the structural duality in the Brazilian educational system, that establishes different schools for differentiated social classes ; the necessity of reaffirming that the work is a constituent element of the human being, responsible for the production and reproduction of the society and for the transformation of the human being. Key-words: Brazil-History; History of education; Education for work; Professional education; Sugar industry


agroindustria canavieira brazil historia da educação professional education educação para o trabalho sugarcane industry educação profissional education for work

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