Historia, educação e cotidiano de um quilombo chamado Mumbuca/MG / History, education and daily of a Quilombo called Mumbuca/MG




The aim of this research was to reconstruct the history of ? Mumbuca? , a negro settlement localized in the valley of the lower course of the Jequitinhonha river. Three are the aspects that make it different from other settlements: a) the art of reading and writing was passed on by father to son; b) they had properties and resources; c) they purchased their land and had it registered in 1862. The research tried to find out the possible route chosen by the founder before the possession of the land, and its spolation by a local landowner later on. There is made an attempt to show the evolution in the process of education and the routine of daily life in the first and second half of the twentieth century, considering modernization and industrialization occurred in this period. Throughout the history of the people of ?Mumbuca? it?s possible to verify the process of transformation, the will to remain at their place, and the present struggle to reconquer their lost land


memory alfabetização blacks negros - educação land solo - uso alfabetization memoria

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