Hierarquia, disciplina e a adoÃÃo de inovaÃÃo em uma organizaÃÃo militar. / Hierarchy, Discipline, and Adoption of Innovation into a Military Organization.




This study aimed to investigate the perception of the military policemem from the 6th Region of Military Police of Minas Gerais (6th RPM), concerning the influence of the hierarchy and discipline in the adoption and use of an innovation based on Information Technology â the Corporate Portal of the 6th RPM. The theories of Innovation and Technology were used as conceptual basis, specifically, the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation, the Theory of Technology Acceptance, the Institutional Theory of Information Technology, the Theory of Structuration Model of Technology and the Theory of Hospitality. The Social Constructionism was the theoretical-methodological presupposition used for the interpretative approach of the speeches, drawings and surveys carried out in this study. The work came to the conclusion that the Corporate Portal of the 6th RPM was hosted, in other words, there was a deep acceptance of the new technology in the routines of work of PMMG. In this context, the hierarchy and discipline influence and at the same time maximize the adoption and use of the innovation âCorportate Portalâ. It is an instrument directed the construction of a collective subjectivity in favor of the knowledge and productivity.


portal corporativo information technology adoption of innovation corporative portal military organization. administracao adoÃÃo de inovaÃÃo tecnologia da informaÃÃo organizaÃÃo militar. hierarchy, discipline and power hierarquia, disciplina e poder

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