Grapheme-phoneme translation for portuguese based on adaptive automata. / Tradução grafema-fonema para a língua portuguesa baseada em autômatos adaptativos.




This work presents a study on the use of adaptive devices for text-to-speech translation. The work focuses on the development of a grapheme-phoneme translation method for Portuguese based on Adaptive Automata and the use of this method in a text-to-speech translation software. The presented method resembles human behavior when handling syllable separation rules, syllable stress definition and influences syllables have on each other. This feature makes the method easy to use with different variations of Portuguese, since these characteristics are invariants of the language. Portuguese spoken nowadays in São Paulo, Brazil has been chosen as the target for analysis and tests in this work. The method has good results for such variation of Portuguese, reaching 95% accuracy rate for grapheme-phoneme translation, clearing the 90% mark after resolution of ambiguous cases in which different representations are accepted for a grapheme and generating phonetic output intelligible for native speakers based on concatenation synthesis using syllables as concatenation units. As final results of this work, a model is presented for grapheme-phoneme translation for Portuguese words based on Adaptive Automata, a methodology to choose the correct phonetic representation for the grapheme in ambiguous cases, a software for Adaptive Automata simulation and a software for grapheme-phoneme translation of texts using both the model of translation and methodology for disambiguation. The latter software was unified with the speech synthesizer developed by Koike et al. (2007) to create a text-to-speech translator for Portuguese. This work evidences the feasibility of text-to-speech translation for Portuguese using Adaptive Automata as the main instrument for such task.


adaptive automata tradução automática alfabeto fonético síntese da fala international phonetic alphabet natural language processing teoria dos autômatos linguagem natural text-to-speech translation computational linguistics

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