GestÃo do turismo no SÃtio ArqueolÃgico da Furna do Estrago : Brejo da Madre de Deus - PE




The concern with the environmental degradation and the sustainable development in local basis, are the guides of the tourist management in the archeological site of âFurna do Estragoâ, located in Brejo da Madre de Deus district, in Pernambuco. The established tourist planning supervises the space for the creation of products and services that fulfil the needs of the community, of the tourist professionals and of the tourists and visitors, searching the economical, environmental, social, political and cultural sustainability. The study encourages the changing of the cultural view, both in the government and the local population demanding a group participation, conscious and sympathetic towards several aspects, establishes an environmental awareness for the use non â predatory of the repairable and non â repairable resources gradually, creating positive results. The research includes the protection of the Natural and Cultural Property of the Archeological site as well as providing other tourist attractions of the place, new perspectives of business, income sharing and quality of life


ciÃncias sociais aplicadas turismo sustainable development cultural tourism ecoturismo turismo cultural desenvolvimento sustentÃvel tourism eco â tourism

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