Formação de educadores ambientais e potência de ação: um estudo de caso. / Formation of environmental educators and the potential of action: a study case.




This study was carried out aiming contributing for the production of knowledge viewing constitution, consolidation, and promotion of educational processes related to powering the subjects for an action committed with the social and environmental sustainability. Thus, in the Specialization Course on Education for Sustainable Societies developed by State University of Southeast Bahia, campus Jequié, and by using the elements of a qualitative research and proceedings of this study case, the identification of elements that could promote changes of values and attitudes toward the social transformation through increasing the power of the subjects involved. The research shows points that must be presented in Environmental Education programs. Processes based on the autonomy of the students, on the dialog between the involved ones and the reflexive practice can contribute for the formation of critical, technically competent, and committed educators ethically and politically active toward the social-environmental matters.


avaliação da educação evalution of education formation of teachers education (study and teaching) curso de especialização educação [estudo e ensino] formação de professores environmental education changes of attitudes mudança de atitude educação ambiental specialization course

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