Feed efficiency of milking cows receiving concentrate in different levels and associated or not with propolis / Eficiência alimentar em vacas leiteiras recebendo concentrado em diferentes níveis e associado ou não a própolis




The present work was performed at Departamento de Zootecnia of Universidade Federal de Viçosa, MG, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the response of milking cows receiving two levels of concentrate and presence or absence of ethanolic extract of propolis in the diet, in the intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients, milk production and composition, live weight, feed efficiency and efficiency of utilization of concentrate for milk production. Eight Holstein cows were distributed in two 4 x 4 Latin squares. The experiment was constituted of four periods of 21 days, being the first fourteen days for adaptation of the animals to the diets and the last seven days for data collection. The diets were constituted of corn silage as forage in the proportion of 80 or 60%, and concentrates based on corn and soybean meal, in addition to 34 mL of ethanolic extract of propolis per day in the treatments that required this addictive. The animals were housed in individual pens, were fed ad libitum and milked twice a day, one before the morning feeding and another before afternoon feeding. There was no interaction between concentrate levels and propolis, and there was no difference between the treatments with and without ethanolic extract of propolis for the evaluated parameters. The treatments with 40% concentrate caused increase in daily intakes of dry matter, concentrate and TDN, and caused reduction in forage intake in relation to treatments with 20% concentrate. The digestibility coefficients did not change as a function of concentrate level in the diet. There was greater milk production, 3.5% milk corrected fat production, protein content and amounts of fat and protein secreted in milk in the treatments with 40% concentrate. Comparing the milk production and intake of concentrates in the treatments with 40 and 20% of concentrate, the efficiency of concentrate utilization was of 0.68 kg of milk/kg of concentrate.


propolis concentrate própole feed efficiency nutricao e alimentacao animal animal nutrition eficiência alimentar relação concentrado-volumoso nutrição animal

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