FÃbulas da modernidade no Acre : A utopia modernista de Hugo Carneiro na dÃcada de 1920




We looked for in this entitled âFables of modernity in Acre: Hugo Carneiroâs modernist utopiaâ in the 20âs to dialoque with the innumerable attempts of the public power, during the administration of governor Hugo Carneiro (1927 â 1930) in transforming the state of Acre, specially the city of Rio Branco, its capital, in âmodernâ spaces as well as the various forms of resistance developed by the population against the truculent, imposing actions, aiming at changing habits, values and ways of life. The main references of the new government were, basically, the rules developed by European urbanists from century. XIX, which had in view âto rationalizeâ the spaces of the cities establishing a âlogicâ in its form of organization. The environments would duly be distributed in accordance winth the developed activities and the established social-economic relations. Thus, trade centers and industries should not have to join housing places and the living together amongst rich and poor people in one same space were discarded. The fundamentals for the development of these new looks at the city were based upon the technical/scientific knowledge of medical doctors and engineers who become âspecialistsâ of the urban spaces, dictating, based upon theinâ scientific knowledgeâ, how the city ought to be organized and how the population ought to be behaved. These rules would have to be naturalized and turned into unquestioned âtruthsâ, being duly punished or excluded from the social contact all the performers and practices that were not adjusted to this new conception of âurbanâ. The se conceptions had been important references for Hugo Carneiro, that had as main objective, to make blow over Acre the âwinds of modernityâ. To the modernist utopia of the governor, however, took place innumerable forms of resistance. Some of them occurred in the form of manifestation or protests of great range, others, in the form of a âdeaf â resistance, and it was so subtle that it could only be detected when they reached the institutional level, like complaints in police stations, internments in hospital and lawsuits.


rio branco technical/scientific knowledge engineers medical doctors histÃria historia urbanism espaÃo urbano resistance governo â hugo carneiro(1927-1930) hugo carneiro rio branco(acre) urbanismo

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