Evaluation of connexin 43 expression in the miocardium in health dogs submited or not to a cardiopulmonary baypass / Avaliação da expressão da conexina 43 no miocárdio de cães indenes submetidos ou não à técnica de circulação extracorpórea




Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) replaces the heart and lung function during the main period of cardiac surgery, and it allows the access of the surgeon inside the organ for a long time, ensuring tissue oxygenation and the elimination of end products. However, this procedure isn´t used as a routine in veterinary medicine because of the high costs, and besides it causes damage in the animal organism. In order to promote a better comprehension of the complications caused by CPB, and perhaps to assuage them, this work was designed to study the connexin 43 (Cx43), a protein present in myocardium which forms intercellular communications like gap junctions. To do so five health mongrel dogs not submitted to CPB were evaluated and tissue samples were taken from specific locals as ventricular septal, right and left atrium, right and left ventricle, to perform Cx43 analyses by immunofluorescence, western blot and RT-PCR. Were also studied others five health mongrel dogs submitted to a conventional right intercostal thoracotomy for CPB procedure. Samples of myocardium were taken in three different moments: T0 (before CPB), T1 (after two hours of CPB) and T2 (after one hour the end of CPB) to check possible alterations in Cx43 caused by CPB using immunofluorescence technique. The euthanasia of the animals was performed at the end of the experimental period. The results shown that in health animals not operated, the Cx43 is located in every studied local and there is no significant difference in the protein expression areas. Nevertheless, the CPB technique reduced the connexin expressions in the operated animals. Finally, we may conclude that the cardiopulmonary bypass for two hours and a spontaneous perfusion for one hour is a feasible procedure in dogs, but it determines serious clinical alterations and may induce pathophisyological process.


conexina 43 dogs miocárdio cães miocardium cardiopulmonary bypass circulação extracorpórea connexin 43

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