Estrategias de politica industrial e desenvolvimento economico : ideias e ideais de Fernando Fajnzylber para a America Latina / Strategies for industrial policy and economic development : Fernando Fajnzylber s ideas




This thesis has the purpose of analysing Fernando Fajnzylber s intellectual path, as an attempt of retrieving, systematizing and presenting a critical reading of his ideas and ideals for Latin America s industrial policy and economic development. Fernando Fajnzylber was a Latin American economic development theorist and also the key author of a new approach to ECLAC s (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) theory for the 1990 s, which evolved into the "productive transformation with equity" project. The thread of his work has always been the search of ways for surpassing the obstacles to Latin American development as much as its everlasting social exclusion, which means the building of a whole new economic model - a less dependant and less excluding one, combining economic growth and social equity. Ris economic mode! proposal has been presented as an alterna tive to the neoliberal project for Latin America, placing itself over against region s theorists and political leaders who faced neoliberalism as something inevitable, joining its "hegemonic economic thought". For this reason, his intellectuallegacy drives us to reflect not only on economic development, absorption of technical progress, investment efficiency, but above all on income distribution and equity, since socialjustice remains to be done in Latin America


equity (law) politica industrial industrialization economic development industrialização industrial policy equidade (direito)

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