Estado nutricional de crianÃas, adolescentes e adultos no contexto da transiÃÃo epidemiolÃgica




In the set of the three articles presented here, the aim was to study aspects of a new nutrition agenda in collective health that is being delineated as a result of a process of rapid changes occurring in both Brazil and the rest of the world. These changes are epidemiologically characterized as nutritional transition, ranging from malnutrition in young children, at one extreme, to overweight/obesity in adult populations, at the other. This transition is accompanied and even characterized by the association between malnutrition and infectious diseases in young children in the same way that overweight/obesity is correlated with chronic, non-transmissible diseases in adults. Between these two biological groups (young children and adults) adolescents find themselves as intermediate hosts in terms of age. In order to contribute to the elucidation of this issue in the context of scientific research, an investigation was made into the occurrence of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents through a conventional review of the literature. The evidence from this review demonstrates that type 2 diabetes mellitus has, in fact, been rapidly on the rise among children and adolescents in rich and poor countries alike over the last 30 years and has become a major public health problem, with a 35-fold increase in some cases, such as Japan Finally, considering that the nutritional transition in Brazil has developed simultaneously with an increased prevalence of anemia among children under five years of age and probably schoolchildren as well, it was thought pertinent to update a series of investigations on anemia begun in 1982 among students from 10 public schools in the district of VÃrzea in the city of Recife. The occurrence of anemia in schoolchildren was shown to have increased from 8.8% in 1982 to 18.9% in 2001, dropping to 13.4% in 2005. This reduction was attributed to the fortifying of industrialized wheat and corn flour with iron and folate from the year 2004, the greater emphasis placed on the National School Food Program, and the increased access of the population to public health programs. The present study was carried out in areas characterized by recognizably precarious socioeconomic conditions, according to the IBGE data (Index of Human Development- IHD), in which a comparative assessment was made of the prevalence of BMI classifications in adolescents and adults as a methodological strategy for analyzing the behavior of nutritional status in a little-studied biological segment (preadolescents and adolescents), serving as the link between children and adolescents (aged 10-19 years) and adults. The municipalities chosen for the study were Gameleira, in the sugar-cane zone of the state of Pernambuco, and SÃo JoÃo do Tigre, in the semi-arid region of the state of ParaÃba The study describes and lists nutritional status in accordance with the classifications of the Brazilian Unsafe Nutritional Scale.


anemia diabetes tipo 2 â crianÃas e adolescentes estado nutricional nutricao obesidade type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents anemia obesity

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