Essays from Montaigne: the Jugementand its form / Ensaios de Montaigne: o Jugemente sua forma




Montaignes Essays still present challenges to the interpretation. In an attempt to approach them, we focus on how Montaigne constructs his considerations and on the objective implications of sense of the form essay, trying to find at this level the form of his own jugement in act. Thus, three essays are selected for analysis: "By various means you get the same end" (I, 1), "The inconstancy of our actions" (II, 1) and "The lame" (III, 11). In the analysis of the first essay we focus on the pronounced presence of examples and the curious dissonances between these and the context in which they are inserted, which allow us to characterize some aspects of the relationship between author and reader, as well as the position required from the latter; in the second, we take on account the sinuous construction of the text and the dissimulated incorporation of portions of Seneca as references that allow to understand the meaning of Montaigne criticism of the traditional forms of character evaluation; in the third, finally, the discussion of the relationship between the prologue and the specific object, and between continuities and discontinuities in the text, allow us to show how Montaigne incorporates in his procedure his critical conceptions about human knowledge. The results of these analyses, along with their possible consequences for the rest of the Essays, are discussed in the conclusion.


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