Effect of gamma radiation and storage on cholesterol oxidative stability of raw and processed eggs. / Efeito da radiação ionizante e do armazenamento sobre a estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol em ovos crus e processados




The egg have being studied due its nutritional wealth, for show industrial interest as a raw material, e due its higher cholesterol content. At the same time, due its susceptibility to contamination mainly with salmonella, it is being proposed the ionizating radiation as a hygienic measure. Cholesterol is subject to oxidation, that it is facilitated by several factors, among them ionizating radiation. Formed cholesterol oxides, by its turn, show harmful biological properties to human health, as atherogenicity, cytotoxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, among others. The objectives of this work were evaluate the effect of ionizating radiation over pH, viscosity and color, besides the oxidative stability of cholesterol, in storaged and processed crude eggs. With the increasement of used doses (1, 2 and 3 KGy), there was an reduction in the viscosity of the egg white and in the color yolk egg, besides the increase in lipidic oxidation, measured through tiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). Specifications as humidity, total lipids and egg yolk cholesterol were not influenced. In the subject of humidity and of cholesterol, there was an meaningful alteration due storage (30 days in 4ºC). The sum of the analyzed oxides didnt variate with the irradiation, only individually, although it did vary with storage. The themical processing caused an meaningful increase of TBARS, but despite this, the oxides sum didnt differed between treatments.


armazenamento de ovos cholesterol oxides radiação ionizante Óxidos de colesterol cooked. fritura storage irradiation gema ovo cozimento fry egg egg yolk

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