Educação Ambiental na Educação Profissional: A Prática da Educação Ambiental em Escolas Agrotécnicas Federias do Estado de Minas Gerais / Environmental Education within Professional Education: the practice of Environmental Education in Federal Agrotechnical Schools in the state of Minas Gerais.




The present dissertation aims at analyzing and understanding the practice of Environmental Education within Technical Courses in Agriculture in three Federal Schools in the state of Minas Gerais: CEFET Januária (Federal Centre for Technological Education of Januária), EAF Salinas (Federal Agrotechnical School of Salinas) and EAF São João Evangelista (Federal Agro-technical School of São João Evangelista) and their development regarding expression and consolidation of the environmental issue within the school context. We firmly believe Environmental Education is one of the Transversal Themes to be implemented, in order to comply with the precepts laid by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (The National Curricular Parameters), as well as by the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (National Curricular Guidelines) for Professional Education. The latter, in characterizing the configuration of the Agricultural area, indicates its aim at quality and sustainability, be it economical, environmental or social. In order to analyze the practice of Environmental Education within the Federal School Network which offers secondary-level technical professional education, it is important to contextualize it first, by following the historical course of both Professional and Environmental Education. Thus, it will be possible to support, with theoretical and historical elements, the importance of implementing policies for introducing such theme. In the research, the following methodological procedures were used to collect data: questionnaires, interviews, document analysis and records from the participative observation during the researcher period within the institutions. The results show a distance between theory and practice of Environmental Education in the EAFs and in the CEFET researched. EE is not exercised as continuous, permanent daily practice. There is need for construction, maintenance and advancement of dialogical spaces committed to continuous staff training, to greater parental participation and to the improvement of communication between them and the school, so that the students may voice their feelings and thoughts, and their ideas regarding the development of a sustainable school. We hope the results of the present may contribute to reflections pertaining to the Pedagogical Projects of the institutions involved, generating collective participation educational actions, which in turn may foster debate and search for solutions to contemporary socialenvironmental issues, either local or global, making it possible to consolidate the ideals of an innovative, environmentally sustainable society.


agriculture ensino médio. educacao professional education agropecuária environmental education educação profissional secondary education. educação ambiental

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