Dry-cured ham processing using boneless, pre-cured and molded pork with transglutaminase (Activa TG-B Trade Mark) : development and physicochemical analyses. / Processamento de presunto cru com carne desossada, curada, e moldada com transglutaminase (Activa TG-B Marca Registrada) : desenvolvimento e analises fisico-quimicas.




The methodology proposed to produce the dry-cured ham in this work was based on a technology combining bonning, transglutaminase application, tumbling and molding. It was evaluated the effects of two levels of NaCl added for fresh meat (3.5 and 5%) on the physicochemical characteristics of the final products such as water activity (Aw), chloride content (NaCl%) and weight loss. Similar to the traditional processing of dry cured hams, salting was carried out using dry cure, combining NaCl, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. The average temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) in this phase were 2,5 ± 1,31ºC and 83 ± 2,75%, respectively. In the drying period, the average RH was reduced to 71,62 ± 1,75% and average T was increased up to 4,5 ± 0,85ºC. During the ageing, the T was increased gradually 1ºC each nine (or seven) days up to 16ºC, while the RH was fixed to ± 70%. At the end of the processing time, the dry cured hams presented: Aw values 0.900 and 0.905, measured in the inner part of the product for the treatments 3.5% and 5%, respectively. Treatment 5% presented higher values (53.04 ± 2.37%) of moisture than the 3.5% (48.65 ± 2.76%). This last parameter was a consequence of the weight loss during the processing time, that where higher in the treatment 3.5% (39.74 ± 4.02%) than the 5% (37.22 ± 2.96%). The mild temperatures during the short ageing time have possibly decreased the amino acids hydrolysis, and this the probable cause of the final pH, which were 5.60 and 5.56 for the treatments 3.5 and 5%, respectively. In the microbiological counts, both treatments satisfy the Brazilian current legislation requirement. The dry cured hams at the end of the processing presented shape and thickness appropriate to slicing, excellent appearance, characteristic aroma, and mainly, similar flavor to the traditional dry cured hams found in the Brazilian market.


dry-cured ham maturation transglutaminase drying secagem molding presunto cru maturação transglutaminases moldagem

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