DistribuiÃÃo e diversidade de leguminosae em Ãreas de Caatinga no MunicÃpio de Mirandiba â PE / Distribution and leguminosae in Caatinga areas in the municipal district of Mirandiba - PE




The Family Leguminosae is the most representative of the caatinga, comprehend about a third of the wealth of classified species. Due to the importance of Leguminosae in the biome, a floristic inventory was accomplished in the municipal district of Mirandiba-PE. From this list of species we took place the taxonomic treatment and an analysis of similarity of this flora with the one of other areas of the Brazilian Northeast. Besides, it tried to establish morphologic patterns of types of fruits, seeds and embryos, with special focus in the plumule, seeking to make possible the identification of some of the endemic species of the caatinga. Trips were accomplished in the period of March from 2006 to July of 2007 for collection of botanical material. The relationships floristics were appraised for the analysis of UPGMA and PCO starting from the indexes of similarity of SÃrensen. 75 species were registered distributed in 39 genera comprehending about 25% of the leguminosae mentioned already for the caatinga. The similarity analysis showed the formation of two different groups: The group [A] with similarity of 20% it was established for the caatingas on sandy soils. The group [B] with similarity of 27% it included the Caatingas on derived soils of the PrÃ-Cambrian crystalline embasement. Besides these, Cariri (PB) and Caruaru (PE) they were shown isolated of the remaining of the areas witha similarity of 45%. Among the species registered in the area, 17 are endemic of the Caatinga, representing 25% of the total. Six fruit types were classified, where the standard type was the legume, frequent in about 60% of the species. The seeds without pleurogram prevailed in about 75% of the endemic species. The plumule pattern differentiated in segmented eophyle was the most common. The dispersion syndrome more acted was autocory in more than 50% of the species. The main diaspore are the seeds


frutos dispersion flora fruits embriÃes embrio flora biologia geral sementes seeds morfologia similaridade dispersÃo similarity morfology

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