Disciplina jurídica da cláusula de permanência nas relações trabalhistas.




This work entitled "Legal discipline of the clause to remain in work relationships", showing an overview of the topic in the private sphere, with highlights for the validity or otherwise of the contractual term of stay in the employment contract. The research seeks to demonstrate its applicability in the public and in private, the likely consequences, possibilities, validity and enforceability of such provision The study offers three chapters of development. The first is a background set of principles of employment relationship. The second brings the general aspects of the relevant clause to remain in private affairs to the subject under review bringing its concept and characteristics, and its elements, and the third deals with the clause to remain in the labor relations homelands bringing its definition, the chances of implementation public and private, as well as its use in comparative law, and in Spain and Portugal, and finally comes to its limits of validity.


direito the employment relationship, term of residence, period of validity relação de trabalho, cláusula de permanência, limites de validade

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