Dieta hiperlipídica na gestação e lactação: efeitos sobre parâmetros metabólicos e do consumo alimentar em ratos adultos.




Epidemiological and experimental studies suggest that both lack and excess of nutrients during the perinatal period may favor metabolic changes in the offspring. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation on weight gain, lipid profile, glycemia in non-protein nitrogen products and food consumption of the offspring in adulthood. Female Wistar rats were fed high-fat diet or standard diet during pregnancy and lactation. The offspring were divided into two groups: Descending Control (DC, n = 10) of rats fed a standard diet and Descending fat diet (DH, n = 10) of rats fed a high-fat diet. After weaning, both groups were fed a standard diet until adulthood. The DH group had an increase (p ≤ 0.05), lipid profile, glycemia, intake food when compared to the control group. The results suggest that perinatal exposure to high-fat diet rich in saturated fatty acids can program changes in the metabolism of adult offspring even when exposed to nutritionally balanced diet throughout life.


gestação high-fat diet lactação nutrição metabolic changes nutricao fetal programming food consumption pregnancy lactation

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